Anthony Scriffignano

Working with data

Building a data-savvy workforce will require a concerted effort from enterprise and academia

Eradicating ageism in tech

Patricia Hume, CEO, Canvas GFX, argues passionately that technology is neglecting some of its most capable talent because of ageism

Transformation, delivered

Thor Jørgensen and Steen Kronborg tell Digital Bulletin how Danish retail giant Salling Group successfully built its first grocery home delivery service at turbo-speed during COVID-19.

IKEA’s DesignOps revolution

IKEA Retail’s (Ingka Group) Karolina Boremalm and her digital experience design team have introduced an all-encompassing DesignOps strategy to the company, with a design system at its centre. Here, Digital Bulletin speaks to a number of key stakeholders.

Anthony Scriffignano

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